1. The name of this Club shall be “PUG CLUB OF CANADA” hereinafter known as the Club.
2. This Club shall work in co-operation with the Canadian Kennel Club.
3. The objectives of the Club shall be the encouragement and development of purebred dogs by:
a) Educating members and the public at large in all aspects of purebred dog ownership.
b) Developing and encouraging good sportsmanship.
c) Providing a rescue service for Pugs.
d) Holding specialty championship dog shows and other events relating to Pugs.
e) To further affiliate itself with local, regional and provincial Pug organizations for the betterment of the breed.
f) To support the conscientious and careful breeding of the Pug according to the Breed Standard.
g) To breed only colours recognized in the Canadian Pug Breed Standard.
h) To do all within the Club’s power to protect and advance the interests of the Pug.
4. AREA OF OPERATION The area of operation shall be the country of CANADA.
1. To be eligible for full membership, individuals must be of the age of majority. They must subscribe to the objectives of the Pug Club of Canada. Dues for the current year must accompany the application.
2. Every current member shall pay annual dues which shall be payable on or before December 31st. Dues shall be set at the Annual General Meeting for the following year.
3. The Club year shall be from January 1st to December 31st of each year.
4. The membership of the Club shall consist of the following classes:
a) Regular Membership:
Regular members have one (1) vote. Regular members are members in good standing of the Club. Regular members are required to attend a minimum of four (4) regular monthly meetings a year and assist in some capacity at one Club function each year. Regular members enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Club.
b) Associate Membership:
Associate members do NOT have a vote. Associate members will receive the Club newsletter, may attend meetings and may serve on Committees. Associate Members may not vote or hold office but otherwise they shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Club. Associate members are required to attend a minimum of four (4) regular monthly meetings a year and assist in some capacity at one Club function each year. Applications for membership are to be sent to the Membership Secretary and must be signed by the applicant. All applicants must have two sponsors. At least one sponsor must be a Regular Member of the Club. Applications for Associate Membership must be submitted on the Club’s Official Application Form. The Membership Secretary shall forward the Application to the Regional Director of the applicant’s Region. The Regional Director shall review and verify information and Sponsors. The applicant’s name and sponsor’s names shall be published in the next Club newsletter and in the Members Section on the Club’s website. The application shall be accepted by a simple majority vote of the Executive. All applications that are denied Associate Membership shall not be presented for reconsideration for twelve (12) months.
Associate Members may apply for Regular Membership upon completion of one year as an Associate Member. The bios of all Associate Member’s applying for Regular Membership will be published in the Club’s Newsletter and posted to the Club’s website. In the month of October each year, an official PCC membership ballot for Associate member(s) seeking Regular Membership will be emailed to each eligible voting member. Ballots must be received by the Membership Secretary no later than December 1st for counting. Any applicants that do not receive a majority vote to become a regular member shall remain Associate Members and may reapply for Regular Membership again in 12 months. Regular Member status shall be immediate upon verification of a simple majority acceptance vote by responding voting members.
c) Pet Family Membership:
Pet Family members shall receive Club Newsletters, have access to the PCC face book group page, are entitled to help at Specialty Dog Show events, and are entitled to attend and help at Garden parties. Pet Family Members are not required to be CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) member. Pet Family members may not participate in regular monthly meetings, may not vote, hold office, or serve on committees.
d) Honorary Membership:
Honorary members have one (1) vote. Honorary members shall be those individual persons, approved by a simple majority vote of the Executive, who have rendered service to the Club for a period of 25 years or more and/or under special circumstances on the recommendation and approval of the membership. Honorary Members are exempt from annual dues.
e) Non-Resident Membership:
Those members who reside outside of Canada. Non-Resident members shall have NO voting privileges but otherwise they shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Club. Members of the Canadian Military stationed abroad are considered Canadian residents.
f) Guest Membership:
Members in good standing may invite new puppy owners and pug fanciers/enthusiasts to become Guest Members. This is a one-time only introductory membership that is valid up to the end of the calendar year the membership started. Guest Members shall receive Club Newsletters, have access to the PCC Facebook Group page, are entitled to help at Specialty Dog Show events if needed, are entitled to attend and help at Garden Parties. Guest Members are not required to be CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) members. Guest Members may not participate in regular monthly meetings, may not vote, hold office or serve on committees. A Guest Member may, at any time during their introductory membership, apply to become a Pet Family or Associate Member. Guest Members MUST submit a completed application to upgrade their status to Pet Family or Associate Member prior to December 31st or their membership will be terminated.
5. If there is any correspondence that needs to be sent via hardcopy, where more than one member resides in the same household only one (1) copy of the correspondence will be sent.
6. Any individual rejected for membership by the Club must be provided with a written explanation. Dues to be refunded.
7. Each application for membership shall be on a form, which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by the Code of Ethics, Constitution and Bylaws of the Pug Club of Canada, and the Rules and Regulations of the Canadian Kennel Club.
8. Termination of Membership:
a) Any member who desires to withdraw from membership in the Club may notify the Membership Secretary in writing to such effect. Upon receipt of such notice by the Secretary, membership shall cease. Should there be a complaint submitted prior to date and time of withdrawal, said complaint must be dealt with before reinstatement.
b) If dues are not received by January 31st, all rights and privileges of the Club will cease. If dues are received before the end of February they will be reinstated. As at March 1st, membership will be officially terminated and members will have to rejoin through the regular channel of Associate for one year.
c) A member who is suspended or expelled from the privileges of the Canadian Kennel Club or any other recognized kennel club shall be suspended or expelled from the Club for a like period.
d) Action resulting from a violation of the Club Constitution and/or Bylaws or Code of Ethics.
1. At any official meeting of the Club a quorum must consist of 25% of members in good standing including three (3) members of the Executive. All meetings of the Club shall be conducted under the procedures laid down by the Common Law of Procedure of Canada and Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition).
2. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in the first quarter of each year or in conjunction with the National Specialty Show, which shall be held every year in a different region. Written notice of the Annual General Meeting specifying time and place shall be mailed or transmitted by electronic means to each member of the Club at least sixty (60) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The quorum for this meeting shall be 25% of members in good standing including three (3) members of the Executive.
3. Extraordinary Meetings of the Club may be called by the Executive, the President or upon the written request of ten percent (10%) of the regular members. No business except that stated in the notice shall be transacted at this meeting. Such meetings shall be convened and conducted in the same manner as stated in Article II Paragraph 1.
4. Club Meetings
a) For Extraordinary meetings by the members – written notice specifying the time, place, nature and purpose shall be sent at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.
b) The Executive shall be required to call a minimum of four (4) regular meetings of the Club during the Club’s official year. Notice shall be sent to all members in good standing at least thirty (30) days in advance. The first meeting is to be held in January of each year. In the case of an election year, this meeting shall be used to ensure that all business is ready to be passed to the new executive at the Annual General Meeting.
5. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
6. Any meetings may be held in person or by electronic means by a majority vote of the Executive or Committee Chairs.
1. The Executive shall be comprised of the President, Vice-President, Club Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, and the Regional Directors.
2. The Powers of the Executive shall be the general management of the affairs of the Club. On all matters of the Club, the executive is responsible for a course of action, which will be ratified by a simple majority vote of the Executive. The Executive is accountable to the Membership. All decisions made by the Executive may be overturned by a simple majority vote at an Extraordinary Meeting.
3. All members of the Executive shall be Regular members in good standing with the Pug Club of Canada and be Regular Members in good standing with the Canadian Kennel Club.
4. The duties of the Executive shall be as follows:
a) President: shall preside at all meetings. The Chair shall abstain from voting except that in the event of a tie or a stalemate shall cast the deciding vote and may cast the deciding vote to cause a tie or a stalemate.
b) Vice-President: The Vice-President of the Club shall have the duties of the President in case of the unavailability of the officer, assuming his duties and powers, including the signing of checks in payment of accounts.
c) Administrative Secretary: The Administrative Secretary of the Club shall keep a record of all meetings of the Club, produce minutes and forward them to members and carry out such other duties as presented in these Bylaws. The Administrative Secretary shall make all filings with the Canadian Kennel Club. The Administrative Secretary shall have charge of the correspondence, keep accurate and accessible files, and carry out any and all correspondence required by the Club.
d) Membership Secretary: The Membership Secretary shall keep a roster of the members of the Club with their addresses. The Membership Secretary shall send and receive renewals and forward cheques to the Treasurer for deposit in the Pug Club of Canada account. The Membership Secretary shall keep an accurate account of membership, voting members, and breeder list at all times.
e) Treasurer: The Treasurer of the Club shall collect and receive all monies due or belonging to the Club and issue receipt thereof and shall deposit the same in a bank(s) satisfactory to the Executive and in the name of the Club. The Treasurer shall at all times maintain the books and records of the Club. This position may be combined with that of the Secretary.
f) Five (5) Regional Directors: Regional Directors of the Club shall be responsible for the development of new ideas, for the promotion of the Club and promotion of the breed in general. They shall assist the Executive in fulfilling the objectives of the Club. Directors must reside in the area that they represent and shall be elected by those members residing in that area.
The five regions are:
Canada West – (British Columbia, Yukon Territories)
Canada Mid-West – (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwest Territories and Nunavut)
Canada East – (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland & Labrador)
5.No member shall be paid for any services that they perform for the Club.
6. The term of office shall be for two (2) years for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. After two (2) consecutive terms the member is ineligible to stand for the same office for four (4) years. Only if there is no nominee for the position can the member be asked to fill the position for an additional term.
7. Should the position of President become vacant during the term, the Vice-President shall move into the President’s position. Should a vacancy occur in any of the above remaining positions, a member in good standing may be appointed/elected by the Executive to fill the position until the end of the term. Proxies are NOT permitted.
Standing Committees:
1. The President shall appoint a member in good standing to chair the following Standing Committees:
Breed Standard
Publicity, Program and Educational
Committee members should have a demonstrated working knowledge of the subject matter.
2. It shall be the duty of the Committee Chair to appoint ideally three (3) members to each committee.
3. The Chair of the committee will take minutes of all committee meetings and forward them to the Club’s Administrative Secretary. These minutes will form part of the Administrative Secretary’s report and will presented to the membership as information.
4. Ad Hoc Committees: may be formed by the Executive as necessary when the nature of the Committee’s mandate will be specific and short term.
5. Breed Standard Chairperson shall liaise with the Canadian Kennel Club, the Executive as well as with the membership at large on any matters regarding changed to or updating of the Breed Standard or Illustrated Standard.
6. Publicity, Program and Educational Chairperson shall be responsible for publicity and/or advertising of the Club’s activities and may be part of the National Specialty Show Committee as well. The Chairperson shall direct all the Club’s programs and/or educational activities.
7. Health/Genetics Chairperson shall be responsible for liaison with the PDCA Health Committee Chairperson and shall be involved in collecting information on genetics with relevance to Pugs and providing such information to the membership. The Chair shall submit those items for publication in the newsletter that would be of interest to breeders/pet owners alike.
8. Performance/Obedience Chairperson shall direct all business pertaining to the Obedience and Performance activities of the Club.
9. The term for each committee chair shall be the same as the Executive – Two (2) years.
10. Non-performance: Should a Committee Chair neglect the duties of the Committee during their term as described in Article IV: Committee, the Executive may un-appoint that Committee Chair person and re-appoint another member in good standing to replace that Committee Chair person.
11. Any/all information gathered by a committee on behalf of the Club shall be shared with the Club and may be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors. No individual members shall have proprietary rights over any information gathered/submitted by any members of a Standing Committee.
The Executive shall select from the Membership person(s) to fulfill the following Appointments as vacancies occur.
a) Newsletter Editor – shall be directly responsible to the Executive for all articles entered, and shall insure that no offensive article appears that will be personally directed at all members. Starting with the January issue of the year, he/she shall be responsible for setting up and emailing out the Club’s newsletter every quarter to all members in good standing. The Newsletter Editor shall edit and/or refuse to publish any articles construed to be libellous, slanderous, etc.
b) National/Regional Specialty Chairs -The Executive shall select from bids received from the Membership to hold a National Specialty or Regional Specialty Show. The Chair/Committee is responsibility to liaise with the Regional Director of the Region in which the Specialty is to be held. The Chair/Committee will submit a Budget to the Executive with the bid.
c) Archivist – shall be the keeper of the archives pertaining to the Club’s business and any and all information obtainable on Pugs. The Archivist shall prepare an updated list/file of all materials in the archives and present it to the Secretary and Newsletter Editor on a regular basis.
d) Rescue Manager – shall select staff as required and will be responsible for setting up and overseeing the National Pug Rescue.
e) Constitution and Bylaws Chair – At the AGM in an eligible year, a Constitution and Bylaws Chairperson will be appointed. It will be the responsibility of the Chair to form a Constitution and Bylaws Committee. It will be the mandate of the Committee to receive and review proposals for changes to the Constitution and/or Bylaws received from the Membership and form a ballot to be presented to the Membership in the manner described in Article VII.
f) Webmaster – shall keep the website up to date and shall maintain the Clubs official website in every aspect; ensure the safety of the privacy information of members; interface with Executive and all other appointed officers to ensure data integrity on the website; provide access to restricted areas (stored applications area, etc.) when necessary. The Webmaster shall select an assistant from the membership.
g) ROM Manager – shall select staff as required and will be responsible for development, verification and publication of the ROM program.
Article V: FINANCE
1. The financial year of the Club shall commence on the 1st day of January and shall conclude on the 31st day of December next following.
2. Dues shall be the amount specified at the Annual General Meeting.
3. Banking: the funds of the Club are to be placed in a branch of any Canadian Chartered Financial Institution for the convenience of the Treasurer. This account must be in the name of the Club.
4. All cheques issued by the Club shall require the signature of the Treasurer and the signature of one other officer, either President or Vice-President but not two members of the same family or household.
5. No Director or Officer shall be remunerated for being or acting as a Director or Officer, but a Director or Officer may be reimbursed for all expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred while engaged in the affairs of the Club. Borrowing powers of the Club shall not be exercised unless authorized by a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the membership.
6. Auditors shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The Auditors shall be two (2) regular members in good standing and shall examine and audit the Club accounts and report to the membership.
7. The Treasurer shall report the state of the Club’s finances at every regular meeting of the Club. At the Annual General Meeting the Treasurer shall render a full financial statement of the affairs of the club.
8. Any expenditure over $500 must be approved by the membership.
1. Elections for the executive are to be held every two (2) years, starting in 2005.
2. An Election Committee of three (3) members will be appointed by the Executive during the Annual General meeting of the election year and will be in charge of distributing Nomination Forms and Ballots to the membership.
3. Nomination forms will be sent out to all regular voting members, to be received by October 5th. The nomination form must be signed by the nominee and any two (2) regular members in good standing. The Election Chairman shall receive nominations no later than November 5th. A minimum of twenty-one (21) days notice must be allowed for each stage of the election procedure.
4. Voting will occur when more than one member is nominated for the same office. Voting shall be by secret ballot. A package will be sent to each member electronically. This package will contain a list of nominees on a ballot form, and submission instructions. The winner shall be the Nominee with the most votes. Announcement of results will be made via group message board, website, newsletter and at the AGM.
5. Voting by proxy is not permitted.
The Club, may, from time to time, in the manner hereinafter provided, change the Constitution and Bylaw(s) in order to carry out its objects or the transaction of its business.
1. There shall be a minimum of four (4) years between changes to the Constitution, Bylaws or Breed Standard.
2. A Constitution and Bylaws Review Chairperson will be named by the Executive at the AGM in an eligible year.
3. Notice of any proposed amendment(s), shall be in writing and submitted to the Club’s Constitution and Bylaws Review Chairperson on or before June 1st. The notice must contain the full text of the current clause of the Constitution or Bylaws and the full text of the proposed amendment.
4. Proposed amendments may be submitted to the Bylaws Review Committee from any Regular Member, may be proposed by the Board, or petitioned from the members.
5. The Constitution and Bylaws Review Committee will review all proposed amendments received and shall present to the membership a ballot so that the members are fully aware of the proposed change(s) and the reasons for these change(s).
6. Voting shall be by secret ballot. A package will be sent to each member electronically. This package will contain the proposed amendment as well as the original text from the Constitution, the ballot form, and submission instructions.
7. Ballots regarding the change(s) to the Bylaws or Breed Standard must be sent to all members no later than October 31st in that year.
8. The Secretary must receive ballots not later than December 1st. Ballots received after December 1st will be marked VOID.
9. Any changes to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be effective January 1st in the year following the vote.
10. A simple majority vote of all respondents is required to pass any changes to the Bylaws.
11. The same procedure must be followed to amend the Breed Standard. A simple majority vote of those ballots cast is required to pass any changes to the Breed Standard.
12. Proxies are not permitted.
1. Phase I
Any Club member, hereafter referred to as “Complainant”, who has a complaint against another Club member, hereafter referred to as “Respondent”, shall submit the complaint by e-mail, regular mail or fax, to the President of the Club. In the event that the complaint is against the President, the complaint shall be sent to the Vice-President. The Complaint will then be forwarded to the Executive. The Executive will decide if there is merit in the complaint to warrant moving to Phase II. If in the opinion of the Executive, the complaint does not have merit to move to Phase II, Complainant will be notified by the media of their choice explaining the reasons why the Complaint was not moved to Phase II and may include a note of direction or clarification of Bylaws and Policy. If the Complainant is not satisfied with this response, an appeal may be made to move the Complaint to Phase II by a simple majority vote at an Extraordinary Meeting.
2. Phase II
An Executive Member not named in the complaint shall provide a copy of the complaint to the Respondent by the media of their choice. If the Respondent wishes to reply to the Complaint, the reply must be received by the Executive within twenty-one (21) days of the sent date. The matter will be forwarded to a Disciplinary Committee made up of a nominee from the Membership of the Complainant choice, a nominee from the Membership of the Respondent’s choice and a nominee from the Executive. The Disciplinary Committee will decide the disciplinary action. Such discipline may include warning / demotion / suspension / expulsion. The Discipline Committee shall send a letter regarding decision in the matter to both parties in the dispute. If the offence warrants expulsion the President must call an Extraordinary Meeting of Voting Members who shall uphold the decision of the Discipline Committee or apply a lesser discipline by a simple majority agreement of members present. Any such member whose conduct shall have been determined by the Executive to be improper, unbecoming or likely to endanger the welfare, interests or reputation of the Club, or who wilfully commits a breach of the Constitution or Bylaws of the Club may be expelled.
3. Membership will automatically cease to be in good standing and be rescinded by unanimous consent for cause, in particular but not limited to the following:
a) Any member, who is suspended, debarred, deprived, expelled, or whose membership has been terminated by the Canadian Kennel Club’s Discipline Committee, shall be suspended automatically from the privileges of this Club for a like period.
b) Conviction of animal abuse will be an automatic termination of membership.
c) Failure to pay membership fees by January 31st of each year.
d) Letter of resignation. No dues will be refunded.
4. Only a Special Resolution presented at any General or Extraordinary meeting of the Club may remove a member of the Executive from Office. Such meetings must be comprised of a quorum and such a Special Resolution must be ratified by a seventy-five percent (75%) majority of members present and voting at said meeting.
5. When a complaint is submitted, it must be recorded, and remain on record, until the complaint is dropped, deemed to be meritless or disciplinary action has been taken, even if the respondent resigns from the club.
1. The club may be dissolved at any time by providing to the Canadian Kennel Club written documentation signed by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of that club who are in favour of this decision; proxies are not permitted.
2. In the event of dissolution of the Club, other than for purposes of reorganization, whether voluntary, involuntary or by operation of law, none of the property of the Club, or any proceeds thereof, nor any assets of the club shall be distributed to any member of the Club. After payment of the debts of the Club, its property and assets shall be given to charitable organization(s) for the benefit of dogs, as selected by the Executive.
Meetings of the Club
The club shall have regular meetings at the time and place set by the Executive.
Executive Meetings The President of the Club shall call an Executive meeting if and when required.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held within the first quarter of each year or with the National Specialty show whichever comes first.
Order of Business
The order of business at all regular, special and annual general meetings of the club shall be as follows:
1. Recording of members and guests in attendance
2. Meeting brought to order by the meeting Chair
3. Reading of the minutes .
4. Business arising from the minutes
5. Treasurer’s report
6. Reading Correspondence
7. Business arising from the Correspondence
8. Reports of any Committees
9. New Business
10. Good and Welfare
11. Adjournment
revised FALL 2019 – EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2020