The purpose of this code of Ethics shall be to provide breeders with a set of guidelines relating to the proper maintenance, breeding, selling and overall protection of Pug breed as a whole and to assist the public purchasing a purebred Pug with information to consider when selecting a breeder.
The Pug Club of Canada acknowledges that testing for genetic diseases is vital to the well being of the Pug breed.
The Pug Club of Canada strongly recommends:
* that breeder members regularly test for health and genetic diseases
* that breeder members openly share the results of all such testing
* that breeder members follow recommended protocols for the control of genetic disease
*that breeder members health testing includes but is not limited to hips, elbows, spines, eyes, patella’s, thyroid, auto immune disorder, PDE
*that breeder members seek CHIC (Canine Health Information Center) certification for Pugs they own
*that x-ray findings be certified by the OVC, SVC, or OFA (current certifications are OFA and PennHip)
Measures should be taken to acquaint the general public with the contents of the Code of Ethics
1. In applying for membership or renewal of membership, with the Pug Club of Canada, I agree to be bound by these Code of Ethics and the Club’s enforcement of this Code.
2. I will encourage members and breeders to respect the standard of the Pug as approved by the Canadian Kennel Club, as the standard by which Pugs shall be bred and judged.
3. I will promote friendship and cooperation amongst breeder, owners, and exhibitors of Pugs. I will assist them in every way reasonable for the benefit of the breed.
4. I will promote the general welfare of the Pug and oppose cruel and inhumane treatment of all dogs.
5. I will act with responsible and courteous behavior privately and publicly as a representative of the Pug breed and/or the Pug Club of Canada. This includes but is not limited to maintaining control of my Pug(s) at all times, cleaning up after my dogs(s) in public places, and leaving public facilities (eg. hotels, parks) in the same condition in which they were found.
6. I will become familiar with and will abide by the rules of the Canadian Kennel Club.
7. I understand that as a breeder, I have a great responsibility in the future of the breed I shall plan each breeding with the paramount intention of improving and protecting the Pug breed. Emphasis shall be placed on breeding only registered Pugs; who are sound, healthy, good breed representatives.
8. I understand and agree that to breed indiscriminately may lead to over-population and contribute materially to the deterioration of the Pug breed I do not condone and will not participate in mixed breeding or breeding Pugs that are not eligible for registration with the Canadian Kennel Club. I will only breed Pugs of colours acceptable in the CKC Breed Standard.
9. I understand and agree that I will only breed when I am in a position to give proper care to the bitch and the resulting offspring. I will discourage owners of bitches from breeding unless they themselves have the facilities, time, resources and knowledge required to adequately care for the bitch and the resulting offspring.
10. I will continue to update my knowledge of genetic defects which are harmful to Pugs.
11. I will be open and honest with all persons interested in the welfare of Pugs. I will be willing to discuss possible genetic defects and faults in my stock and in Pugs as a breed. I will not discuss possible genetic defects and faults of other breeder’s dogs.
12. I will try to stay in contact with the buyers of my puppies in order to better evaluate the progress of my breeding program.
13. I will endeavour to produce only physically and temperamentally sound Pugs, which are of breed type in my breeding program.
14. I will preserve and maintain the breed for future generations through the judicious selection of breeding stock.
15. I will not intentionally breed any bitch until she is mature, preferably not before her second heat cycle. Bitches or stud dogs should be over one year of age before being bred for the first time. The health and well-being of the bitch will determine the frequency of breeding.
16. I will refuse stud service to any bitches whose owner wholesale their litters.
17. I will not offer stud service as a prize in any raffle.
18. I will use a written stud contract, specifying the terms of payment for the stud service, any guarantee of return service, what constitutes a litter or fulfillment of service, when the litter registration papers will be signed, when pick puppy(s) will be chosen, etc. No promise or agreement shall be made orally, which is not later put into writing.
19. I will try and educate any bitch owner who contacts me for stud service as to the responsibilities of a breeder, the costs, and the obligations involved in raising a litter. Dew claws are generally removed. The final decision on whether dew claws are removed or remain is the breeders’ personal choice.
20. I will consider the welfare of the Pug above any personal gain of profit. I will be discriminating in the sale of my dogs and ensure that the buyer’s home is adequate and that they will provide responsible and humane care at all times. I will not sell to anyone if I have a reason to believe they will not provide proper care for the puppy or dog.
21. I will not breed or be a party to the breeding of a Pug for the purpose of wholesaling of litters or the selling of individual or groups of Pugs to such places as pet dealers/brokers (domestic or foreign), catalog houses, auctions, laboratory research facilities or other commercial sources of distribution.
22. I will explain to prospective owners their obligations regarding Pugs.
23. I will make myself available to my buyers for whatever advice, reasonable aid and assistance that they may require for the life of their dog.
24. I acknowledge that only a small percentage of Pugs produced are of breeding/show quality.
25. Most Pugs are pet quality and should be spayed or neutered.
26. I will in no way, misrepresent, mislead or be fraudulent in stating claims made about my own dogs or those of another breeder or exhibitor.
27. I will offer a written agreement of sale specifically stating any warrantee offered on the puppy. No promise or agreement shall be made orally that is not later put in writing If the puppy is not to be used for breeding It shall be sold on a CKC non-breeding agreement or a CKC co-ownership agreement and/or a spay/neuter contract. If the puppy is being sold as breeding/show quality, I will make reasonable effort to advise and guide the new owner in responsible showmanship and ownership.
28. I shall keep accurate records, pedigrees and will be certain to give any new owner of any Pug sold by me the bill of sale, minimum three generation pedigree. I will forward the other papers as required or specified in my written contract.
29. All dogs that I sell/place will be immunized and wormed as appropriate for the age of the dog. I will provide the buyers with written instructions on the care of this dog and a copy of all pertinent medical records.
30. I will release no puppy to its new home that is under 8 weeks of age.
31. I agree that my advertising oral or written, shall be factual.
32. I will appreciate the unique nature of the Pug and will provide responsible care at all times.
33. I shall maintain the best possible standards of canine health, cleanliness and care. I will provide adequate exercise, socialization, fresh water and good, immunization as required and control of external and internal parasites on a regular basis I will provide adequate shelter to protect them from the elements, and veterinary attention as warranted for the health of the animal.
34. I will identify all puppies and dogs in accordance with CKC rules (tattoo or microchip)
35. I will maintain books of records in accordance with CKC rules.
36. I will endeavour to keep up to date records regarding possible genetic conditions of any Pugs that I own or breed. I will discuss these possible genetic conditions honestly and openly with individuals who are breeding and/or individuals involved in research.